Tree Trust's YouthBuild (YB) and Young Adult Conservation Corps (YACC) programs started new cohorts on Monday, March 5th. Young people will work hard on crews of five learning landscaping and basic construction skills in these two programs.
YouthBuild crews attend school and work in alternating weeks. This provides them with an opportunity to work towards completion of their high school diploma while learning employment skills and earning a paycheck. They learn basic construction skills through rehabbing and rebuilding home and apartment buildings, primarily in North Minneapolis. Learn more about YouthBuild here.
Young Adult Conservation Corps
New YACCers and YouthBuilders have gotten to know one another and Tree Trust program staff this week. Participants will be assigned to crews and crew leaders today. Young people in both programs will learn employment soft skills and hard skills while earning a paycheck. They will improve their employability, improve their skill set, build stronger connections with their peers and their community, and increase their confidence in their own abilities during their time at Tree Trust.
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